Gemstone: Sunstone
SUNSTONE! What makes these stones so amazing?
Let’s have a look: Key Words: Abundance of Blessings, leadership, benevolence, strength, enlightened male energy.
AFFIRMATION: I claim my true place of leadership, giving and receiving abundant blessings.
CHAKRAS: Creative (2nd) Solar Plexus (3rd)
The name sunstone comes from its warm color and reflected light, reminiscent of the sun. Sunstone deposits are found in the USA and other countries.
Of all the stones on Earth, this one truly reflects the qualities of Solar Light – warmth openness, mental clarity and the willingness and ability to bestow blessings upon others. The Sunstone can kindle the fire to leadership in those who carry and wear it….
Sunstone is the yang which balances the yin of moonstone…
Sunstone is a Fire Element ally carrying the frequency of the Solar Ray…which carries the energy of Ra, The Sun God, whose energy brings forth the potential life within the Earth….
…It has a wonderful ability to reveal ego-based motivations and desires.
…Spiritual: Sunstones teaches one to utilize their skills and abilities in service to others. It is a stone of abundance, helping one to take action to manifest one’s desires in physicality…
Shared From: The Book of Stones. Who They Are & What They Teach